Different language for different audiences

Understand who you're talking to and the language needed to shift them to action.

User and ecosystem

Campaigns or initiatives often have a single, external-facing message. However, there will always be myriad stakeholders in any situation—each with a different understanding and reaction to the work you do, and each requiring slightly different messaging and information to move them to action. If, for example, you're raising money or donations, those who have given to LGBTIQ+ causes will respond differently to allies that haven't. Similarly, it's important to understand that your audience isn't just those you want to communicate with. There will also those who are resistant or combative to your work, and understanding how your messaging might be crafted to reduce push-back, or shift them to an ally can be beneficial.

Taking the time to dissect your wider audience, understand their needs, and tailor your messaging and communication for these groups can be extremely powerful. It should be noted that not all audiences need to be catered to at all times (or ever), though mapping stakeholders can be a powerful activity to uncover incredibly useful insights.

The below canvas is a simple tool to understand and plot your audience on a spectrum from "Combatant" to "Evangelist". Although everyone would be an evangelist of your cause in an ideal world, the power of this canvas is to help you consider how to shift people from one level to the next.

Level -2 · Combative

Combatants are not only theoretically against your initiative, but will actively campaign or advocate against you. Their resistance is likely to be both verbal and physical e.g. actively campaigning against the LGBTIQ+ community, and they are likely to be involved in groups or communities that hold anti-LGBTIQ+ views (e.g. religious institutions). They are, obviously, unlikely to support or take action for your cause. Instead, a successful outcome of shifting this group would be a more passive level of resistance.

Level -1 · Resistant

Resistors are those who are resistant are against you and your initiative, but in a passive way. If pushed to make a declarative position (e.g. voting), they may take actions against you and your initiative, but generally their resistance is more verbal than physical. Their views might either be somewhat individualistic or stem from associating with groups or communities that hold anti-LGBTIQ+ views. Again, support or action for your cause is unlikely to eventuate from this group. Instead, a successful outcome of shifting this group would be for them to start challenging some of their assumptions and resistance.

Level 0 ·  Apathetic

These are people who either aren't aware of you or what you do or, if they are, have no well formed opinion. They don't inherently agree or disagree with you and your initiative is likely not on their radar. Their views are the most malleable, meaning first impressions are critical. Therefore language used and how you approach them is critical, as they may easily become resistors Action of any kind at this stage is unlikely at this stage. Instead, building positive awareness is success at this stage.

Level 1 · Aware

These are people who are somewhat aware (either consciously or unconsciously) of who you are and your cause. They are likely to have a neutral to mildly positive views, though are unlikely to take any major action. Success at this stage would be to pique further interest, or for them to take simple action to find out more information (e.g. clicking on a link, taking a leaflet, etc.).

Level 2 · Engaged

Those who are engaged understand and mentally support you and your case. At this level single, meaningful actions may be taken e.g. making a donation or signing a petition. The experience this person has with you and your cause is critical at this phase and will heavily influence the likelihood of future interactions. Positive feedback and a 'personalised' experience is important. Single, specific calls to action should be made to this group.

Level 3 · Advocate

Advocates have a personal connection to your and your cause and are likely to take action more than once. The need for information is low, but likely require specific requests or ongoing prompts of motivation. It should be noted that their actions are likely to be somewhat limited to themselves—they may not be active amplifiers of your cause. Requests of Advocates may be bolder and mutli-phased, though there are limits.

Level 4 · Evangelist

Evangelists are extremely passionate about you and your cause. They actively amplify and attract others and are particualrly good at rallying Advocates and those who are engaged. They require little information and are largely self-motivated. A sense of community to them is paramount. However, their enthusiasm and potential lack of nuance in their actions which may alienate those who are apathetic of resistant.

At each level, the following questions are asked:

  • Who are the key demographics or archetypes at this level?
  • What are their needs?
  • What would it take to move them to the next level?
  • What language should be used?

Download an A3, PDF version of the canvas by clicking on the button below:

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